Welcome to this weekend’s Art Challenge where the theme is Rainbows! We thought we would brighten your day by looking at colour and how rainbows are made, the colours within them and the transitions between each colour too.
In a traditional sense you could paint a sky and landscape with a beautiful rainbow, perhaps get in up close and paint a part of the rainbow within the sky.
If you preferred to create a more abstract rainbow scene, you could create a rainbow using wet in wet washy colours filling the paper. You could merge different brightly coloured inks together, experiment using objects to move them around the paper, like straws or splash them on the paper using a brush in rainbow coloured stripes.
In an offshoot of the rainbow theme, perhaps you could paint a blue sky with a rainbow coloured hot air balloon or arrange your paints or coloured pencils into a rainbow design and paint them.
If you are on the illustrating courses, why not come up with a rainbow character! A teddy bear sitting on a rainbow, a bird who fly’s from rainbow to rainbow! The ideas are endless!
Create something that is unique to you and your style of painting. What are you waiting for ….. get your paints out and have some splashy fun!