Welcome to this weekend’s art challenge – Superheroes. The theme was a fantastic idea by our illustration tutor Steven Hersey! We have received some amazing paintings and we particularly like the watercolour by Vera Jaouadi which we have used as our feature. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view it in full. Very on topic.
Also a special mention to student Pauline Burke who’s artwork you can see below too. Pauline said….
“A coincidence – I was in Dublin for a couple of days last week and happened to see Batman and Superman on a window ledge of Dublin waxworks museum, took a photo and then at the weekend … the challenge was superheroes! I just had to draw them! I used pastel, charcoal pencil and ink and call it “Batman and Superman watch over Dublin city”
What an amazing coincidence Pauline and thank you so much for sending it in for our weekend challenge. Perfect!
We hope that you all enjoy seeing the Superheroes challenge and if you would like to take part this weekends art challenge, just come back here tomorrow to see find out the theme!