Welcome to the results of our Art Challenge which we sent our students last Friday. It was to create a drawing or painting in any medium, on the subject of Nuts. We have received some beautiful and very creative pieces of artwork. We love them all especially Vera’s collage! Some of the pieces of students work are very nuts indeed!
It feels as though we are getting into a lovely festive mode as Sheila Brown has said below with her beautiful bowl of nuts – “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!”
As many of you may have seen we have a new blog theme which now has a feature image on the main blog page. Today’s feature image is by Josiene Saibrosa and you can see her full artwork at the bottom of the page! We were very impressed Josiene – very well done and beautiful painting!
We are also thrilled to hear that Huzete has commented on the audio feature on our blog and we are pleased that he finds it useful. We introduced it earlier this year as we had a regular follower and reader of our blog who was partially sighted. We are always happy to help!
We hope that everyone enjoys viewing all of the amazing artwork below – stay tuned for the next exciting challenge!!

A fun challenge loved it !
Pauline Burke

Kirstie Baker

Emily Kent

Vera Jaouadi


Sheila Brown

Josiene Saibrosa