Welcome to this week blog post all about the wonderful artwork from the art challenge all about reflections in a mirror. We have been sent a wide range of very creative pieces of art which i hope you all enjoy viewing below.
Mila’s pear reflection pastel drawing is very impressive. Very cleverly called ‘Pearing into the Mirror’, Mila has added intense colours and tones in the pears themselves and diffused their reflection in the mirror slightly to allow it to recede. Absolutely superb!
Magdalena’s chicken posing in front of it’s reflection is so bright and colourful, we love it! The chicken looks quite shocked to see itself doesn’t it!
Huzete has taken much care and attention with his self portrait with reflection along with his mug, rendered in charcoal. A wonderful piece of artwork, well done Huzete!
Pauline has cleverly portrayed her cat Abby looking at her reflection in a mirror. As Pauline as said below, we agree, Abby does look a little like Tom Kitten! To go along with the animal theme Vera has similarly portrayed her rabbit in front of a mirror too. So very sweet!
Isabel has created a very ingenious illustration of a cat in front of a mirror ..but if you look closer, the mirror image cat is wearing a crown!
Finally we have Audrey’s cartoons which make us smile every week – keep up the great work Audrey!!
We hope you enjoy viewing the artwork this week and stay tuned for next weeks challenge!

Mila Zinzen


Pauline Burke

Vera Jaouadi