I’ve always wanted to draw and paint seriously, however, other life’s priorities always seemed to get in the way. That’s why I’m so pleased that I took the plunge and enrolled on the Painting and Drawing Course.
I’m finding this course is really helping me to focus and it’s stretching my imagination and abilities, hopefully, to its full potential.
The tutor, Alan Dedman, has really encouraged me with his comments on my assignments. The first drawing of Jug and Brushes was an assignment. The theme was abundance. I seemed to have an abundance of brushes, not that I use them all! So I set up a still life of them. As I was sketching it out, I realised that I could take it further and make it a bit more interesting by including my drawing board and my hand drawing the drawing.
My second drawing is of a local junk shop. This assignment really stretched my capabilities, but I enjoyed every minute of it.
The third drawing is my favourite assignment so far. The flower theme. I chose poppies as they’re my favourite flower, and gave it a WW1 theme.