The coloured pencil course allows students to learn how to create deep tones in their first assignments by comparing and contrasting still life studies in both mediums.
Alison Davies completed the mug and spoon exercise beautifully and has understood how to layer coloured pencil to create the tones required on the mug and coaster. The final drawing of the wine bottle is stunning and we felt it was a must to add to our blog for fellow coloured pencil students to view. Alison’s background is below…
My background has primarily been the sciences. I took art at school up to high school level then dropped it to pursue sciences. Following a career as a technical specialist within the analytical field I pretty much drew here and there more for pleasure. About three years ago in supporting my daughter pursuing her art career I joined an art studio in Penang Malaysia. I tried various mediums and tried colour pencil. I was hooked. Through support of TAES art studio I found the room to grow and the door opened wide for me. I love drawing animals, especially wildlife as well as pets. I have exhibited a few times and have done some commissions with the most recent being human portrait. Now living in Spain and with both daughters in college, having an art space is bonus, and so on and forward.
Alison Davies