Welcome to our latest art challenge – the three colour challenge. What a wonderful selection of artwork we have for everyone to see today!! So many different genres all using just three colours. Isn’t it amazing what can be achieved with such a small palette!
If you haven’t taken part in this challenge, or you are worried about showing your work on here, this is definitely a challenge to do at home just for yourself. Give it a go as it really makes you think about the different tonal ranges you need to use and how to create your chosen subject using your limited colours.

Sheila Brown

Louise Dexter

Sally Wilson

I only used three pens but there is also the white of the paper.
Aaanyway… the coffee tin is my late granny’s and I brought the coffee plant specifically to grow it there. Though now it is getting so big that it will have to be moved to a bigger pot. I would also like to paint it in oils.
Tiina Meurman

Avril Walker

Luke Rigby

Audrey Quinton

Kirstie Baker

Connie Hohman Berry

Julie Smiley