This weekend’s art challenge is very orange! We would like you to portray either an orange, tangerine or clementine with the peel coming off, revealing part of the inside of the orange. It can be similar to some of the photos on this page which you can use or perhaps you would prefer to work from life or use your own photos.
You can portray one single orange or a group and the artwork can be in any medium, any size, with a background or just simply the orange with its shadow on the ground.
Try to capture the deep tones of the orange segments along with the light coloured pith on top. This perhaps might be easier in acrylic or pastel as you can work from dark to light.
For inspiration, the painting below is called Orange Peeled by artist Timothy Jones. Note the lighting on the peel and shadows under the orange peel at the front. Isn’t it is simply stunning!
We look forward to seeing your artwork and have fun!