This weekends challenge is going to be difficult to not eat while you are drawing or painting it! We would love for you to draw or paint some scones with jam and cream. Your only dilemma is – are you going to put the jam or cream on top? The Devon method is to cover each half with clotted cream, and then add jam on top. With the Cornish method, the scone is spread with jam and then topped with clotted cream. Which ever way you do it, or if you just arrange the pots of jam, cream and scones ready on a plate, we want you to enjoy this challenge and have fun!
If you are using the photo below as your reference instead of using your own still life set up, try to look for the lightest and darkest areas first. The whitest brightest area of the photo is the cream. Once you have identified the lightest area, you can then look for the darkest area, which is the jam underneath. You can also add the areas of the shadow under the scones on the plate as equally dark areas.
These two tones are important as if you gauge these correctly, you can then make sure all of the other tones in your artwork are in between the two.
Although the cream looks like a cream colour, there is actually a lot of shadowing on it with the undulations of how its catching the light. Also, the way to make the jam look ‘jam like’ in your artwork is to add the very small, but strong light highlights with sharpish edges, in almost geometric shapes.
You can also note that in the photo the scones at the front are in focus and the scone behind is slightly blurry. To convey this in your artwork, you can avoid sharp edges, making everything very soft along with adding less detail and duller highlights in the jam.
Hopefully this will help you when you are either drawing or painting the photo below or with similarities in your own scone, jam and cream setup!