This weekend art challenge is to draw or paint an apple with a bite taken out of it! Easy! Perhaps not! We would like you to try to represent the texture of the inside of the apple and capture the highlights, shadows and undulations inside. This will be quite a matte texture which will be completely different to the shiny waxy skin texture of the outside. Of course you will need to create a solid and three dimensional apple with shadows on the ground surface as well as shiny highlights too.
If you set up your still life under a strong light source this will help you note the surface textures more easily. We don’t mind about the colour of the apple or brand – you can paint as many apples as you would like too! Just as long as one has a bite in.
You might like to photograph your set up in case the artwork takes longer than the apple lasts so that you can refer back to it. Apples do tend to go brown fairly quickly. A good tip is to take a bite of the apple and then dip the exposed area in lemon juice as this will help to stop it going brown and allow it to last longer.
Have fun and enjoy this weeks challenge – let us know how you get on and what mediums you used!