The following pieces are by student Clare Nicholson. Tutor Maggy was thrilled with Clare’s ideas for this set and asked us to post them here on our blog for inspiration.
Claire said……
Pen and Ink
As I’ve not inked in this way before, I took some time to read up on pen and ink drawing and practiced in a sketchbook. The illustration is a laundry detergent bottle, completed in technical pen and brush pen. The characters are inspired by woodlice, borrowers, and the steampunk aesthetic. These were developed in preliminary sketches before the final drawing.
Sink City
This piece took a lot of planning and development in terms of the composition in the sketchbook phase. I wanted to avoid drawing windows on objects. The city can be seen spreading into the distance. The illustration is a development of the steampunk / borrowers feel of the first drawing. Given that the brief indicated that this book is for slightly older children, I added more detail and lots of things to find in the illustration. The illustration was completed in technical pen and brush pen, and coloured with gouache and watercolour. It was a challenging and fun assignment.