Artwork Art Challenge – Water Lilies!

Let’s dive right in to our fantastic challenge all about Water Lilies! What a beautiful array of artwork we have received this week. Our students have excelled themselves, each and every painting really brings out our students own unique styles which is wonderful.

Some students are experimenting, some are creating quick sketches and studies, others are planning their artwork and creating elaborate paintings. All of which are helping our students to learn their craft.

Students that are actively drawing and painting each week, even just completing our challenges will genuinely improve with artistic skills month by month. We are thrilled to be part of their journeys and watch everyone improve!

Well done to all who took part this week. Your artwork is Fantastic!!!!! Stay tuned for the next challenge….!

Fabiana Ribeiro
Water lilies, oil on canvas board 10×8 inches
Eileen Maspero
Pauline Burke
Here is my “bold and bright” waterlily! It was quite a challenge by itself to draw it with coloured pencils to reflect all the colours I saw in this beautiful water flower! But it did pay off – as it got framed straight away and into my favourites.
Mila Zinzen
Since I am home I have a done a two day workshop for Chinese brush stroke , which brought back a long forgotten medium I hadn’t practised for years, so, this weeks 
Water Lilies are an attempt to bring back my flow with the of this lovely art form.
Sheila Brown
I did this using watercolors. I love waterlilies and lotuses, so this was a fun project.
Latha Prabakar
Connie Hohman Berry‎
Denise Dancer
Lei Mei
Super super quick sketch (watercolour brush pen) of Kew Gardens Water Lily House.
Charlie Mijatovic
Avril Walker
Patricia Clarke

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