Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Study at your own pace. Online access to your tutor. For all ages and abilities. Improving your skills or furthering your art career? We have a course for you.
Welcome to another very popular weekend challenge – Seascapes! We have received an amazing number of paintings this week and we hope you enjoy viewing them all. We have added all of the paintings and drawings below with students names underneath, along with text about each piece if provided.
Students have created some incredible and very atmospheric paintings and we just can’t pick out favourite – they are all simply stunning!
A shout out to Denise Dancer who’s artwork is in the gallery below. Student Julie Smalley said to Denise – “Kudos! You have managed to combine the two Weekend Challenges. Now that IS clever.” (last weekend was our dog painting challenge) Well done Denise – dog in a seascape receives top marks from us!
We hope that all of our students enjoyed participating in our weekend challenge and we look forward to seeing everyones artwork for the next challenge – published here tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Seascape done in Procreate using the ‘oils’ brush. Started this in February and decided it was time to finish it, thanks to the weekend challenge. Louise DexterThis painting is special to me. Took it as a challenge, not to use any digital tools for drawing tablet or mouse or even software like Photoshop. This is a Touch screen painting using a basic Paint app of Windows. My fingers were the brushes and I completed in 1 1/2 hours, using spray paint and crayon brushes. I could not get very sharp details with this app, but I have managed to paint using the reference photo in the blog post. Gayathri GA surfer on Killiney beach Dublin. I tried to capture the surf on the Irish sea! Pauline BurkeSeascape in water colour which is not my best medium!! Gwen ReavleyWeekend Challenge – Seascape Kirstie BakerWatercolour Maria Ei ZarThis is my painting for seascape, it is of one of our beaches named Moulin Huet The beach is famous for 17 paintings created by Renoir on a months visit he made to the island (Guernsey) in 1883. He painted in his impressionist style which he called sketch painting. So this is my first effort in Impressionism Sheila BrownExperiment with a set of brush pens. Julie SmalleyMy first real attempt at a wave crashing on rocks in watercolour! Avril WalkerUp to my eyes starting the Digital Illustration course, getting to know my new Wacom and getting ready to go to Spain for the next 3 months – so this is an old one – where we’re heading – Javea. Audrey QuintonAbstract Seascape in acrylics for the weekend challenge! Jackie GrovesSeascape, Isle of Harris. Oil on canvas. Dinah BarkerHere’s a seascape I did towards my landscape diploma unit two. Rachel BedfordSeascape – oil on canvas board Eileen MasperoWatercolour Jan UnderdownBack to my old impressionistic style in oils. Jill AllsoppDenise Dancer!Sally WilsonI recently started the Illustration course, so this is my first time posting. We had a houseful this weekend, so this is a seascape I did last year in watercolor. I hope to have more time this weekend to put into the next challenge! Connie Hohman BerryFenella HumphreysWatercolour on Saunders Waterford and half Imperial in size – approx 50 x 30 cm and based on a sketch I made. It looks due east along the Thames towards the North sea. Clifford HerbertMy seascape. Oil painting Mariana GP