Welcome to our latest weekend challenge artwork! This weeks challenge was to paint or draw a bottle or jug and fill it half or three quarters with a liquid along with a glass with liquid in sitting next to it. We have received some amazing paintings and drawings this week.
First of all we have to congratulate Sheila Brown on not only creating a wonderful painting of her red wine bottle and two glasses called ‘Wine is meant for Sharing’ but we also received a moving version called ‘Whoops, maybe one too many’ and this is a piece of art in itself! We absolutely loved receiving it and found it hilarious. Well done Sheila!!! Top of the class!!
Both Shamina Chowdhury and Tatiana Sukhareva added fruit next to their bottles and jug in their still life set up. The colours in both paintings are absolutely super. We would like to draw our students attention to the way Tatiana has painted her pear. The depth of tone and shadows and beautiful bright highlights are simply out of this world. Congratulations to both students on wonderful paintings.
Audrey always keeps us smiling with her fantastic cartoons and Pauline’s old fashioned lemonade drawing in coloured pencil is beautifully delicate and extremely well draw. Loving the cocktail umbrella too!
Louise Dexter has created a beautiful watercolour called – Gin O’Clock!! We love the attention to detail in the tablecloth too. Very decorative and cleverly painted through the glass tumbler.
Last but not least Gayathri has created a stunning digital painting with atmosphere! Scroll down to see. Gayathri said ‘Sending digital work on the theme glasses/bottles. It’s a painting of a glass tea light with soft light. On the background, you could see two containers which have been defined with the soft light from the tea light’.
Congratulations to all students – stay tuned for our next challenge coming Friday!!