This weekends Art Challenge is very challenging! We would like you to set up a still life of eggs laying on a cloth. We have taken some photographs of eggs on a linen cloth however you can use any kind of cloth that you have to hand, as long as you wrinkle the fabric. Alternatively you can use our photos below!
Try to set up your still life in a place that has good lighting. The photos below were taken outside however, photographing or working from a set up by a window or under a strong lamp light will work just as well. Allowing a good light source will make it much easier to portray the eggs as it will show the shadows and highlights well.
Try to capture the texture of the eggs, for instance the central egg in the photo has dotty patterns however it is still smooth to the touch. See if you can create this mix of pattern at the same time as the smooth matt texture of the eggshell.
You might also like to consider your composition. Viewing the set up from the front, from above – or really close up. The choice is yours.
We would love to hear how you get on – let us know the medium you used and which areas you found easy – or challenging! Have fun!