Sheila Brown ….I am on a small cruise ship in Croatia. This is a view through the porthole!

Alex Lewis…….I just joined the illustration diploma, so this is my first attempt at a weekend challenge. Here’s the view from my kitchen window, and my dog chilling in the sun. I made the trees accidentally more tropical than they really are, and our neighbour’s house is a bit wobbly, but I’m quite pleased with the basil plant in the window. Everyone’s art is amazing. I’m both terrified and excited to be joining this course.

Leonie Schottler … The picture shows the view from the cloister in Fontevraud abbey (France). The abbey is a burial place of some of the most (in)famous members of Platangenet family: Richard Lionheard, Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II.King John spent part of his childhood in the abbey. Later the abbey became the residence of numerous unmarried daughters and sisters of the French kings. Definitely a place with quite a history! I worked with pen and ink aiming to capture some of the atmosphere of the old building.

Pauline Burke…My window view is from my patio door on a rare moment of no rain!

Luca Antinori….This is my view from a window, more or less, but with no window… Not sure if this is fair… I actually did from my balcony 🙂

Khadiga Kadry … This is my first time to post and this was my first attempt for the weekend challenge but I really can’t compete with all the great artists on this page, I am still at the beginner drawing course.
Khadiga, we think you have done brilliantly and we look forward to seeing more drawings from you! London Art College

Lynette Dobson …. ‘The very wonky view out of my very wonky shed window’