Welcome to the reveal of student artwork from this weeks Art Challenge – Sandwiches. To be able to improve on your drawing and painting skills it is important to try to draw anything and everything. Sandwiches are perhaps something that many of us eat on a daily basis and take for granted! Maybe next time you are sitting in front of your lunch, why not create a quick sketch of it! Sketch and study the mundane things in every day life, as they can hold challenges that you may not have encountered before.
For instance drawing and painting the texture of the bread can be very difficult, so the more you come across things like this that might trip you up, practice them in your spare time. It will really help you to paint or draw your chosen subject / final pieces / gallery work or commissioned art.
The students who have taken part in this weekend challenge – the idea by student Julie Smalley are of course Julie Smalley herself along with Alfred Reid, Audrey Quinton, Lei Mei, Pauline Burke, Shamina Chowdhury, Sharon Bennett, Sheila Brown and Tatiana Sukhareva. Well done everyone – superb work and good for you all in taking part and getting extra practice in as well as your course work. Kudos!