Weekend Art Challenge Artwork – Cakes!

Welcome to our weekend Challenge – Cakes! Such a popular subject to paint and draw, we have had many students take part as you can see below.

Sheila Brown said – ‘one cake was just not enough’.. and we agree with her wholeheartedly! We have had lots of cupcake paintings and drawings. Take a look at Jayne Burden, Fabiana Ribeiro, Katherine Peverelle, Marc Davis and Maria Ei Zar’s wonderful pieces. Luca Antinori who is studying our Life Drawing & Painting course has drawn a small Panettone.

We absolutely love Emily Kent’s cake – decorated with the London Art College banner too! Well done Emily!

Lei Mei’s sponge roll is excellent. Lei said…My first time posting for the weekend cake challenge”. We look forward to seeing lots more of your challenges in the coming weeks Lei!

Michelle Mitchell said about her painting…
“Am very much a beginner but was inspired to have a go at this weekend’s challenge by representing my son’s unusual wedding cake using a mixture of paint, ink and gold leaf paper!” A very unusual cake and a wonderful rendition of it too Michelle.

Jill Allsopp said…
First time I have used acrylics in over a year, I do prefer oils. It’s a very quick attempt at a cake lol’. We think its excellent Jill, some wonderful acrylic techniques being used there too.

Tiina Meurman has created a lovely slice of cake on a white plate and Eleni Vam‎ created her slice of cake digitally. Both are beautiful!

Both Audrey Quinton and Alfred Reid are studying on the Cartooning course and have both entered their versions of cakes, Audrey sending in two.

Tatiana Sukhareva said…
“Pavlova is my favourite cake! Weekend challenge. A4, watercolor, white acrylic.” We love Pavlova too Tatiana and your painting is superb and scrumptious!!

Finally, last but by no means least – Pauline Burke beautiful slice of cake. We would be quite happy to eat your slice of cake Pauline…gorgeous!

We are thrilled to see all of the paintings and drawings of Cake and we really look forward to seeing students work for the next weekend challenge – catch it here on the blog tomorrow!

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