Ana Munoz Munoz is currently taking the Chinese Brush painting Course with Monika Cilmi. Read about her work and click the images below to see them in full.
“Since I started to paint, ink was my first “colour”: cheap, immediate, versatile and very expressive. A sort of charcoal or graphite that runs easy and nicely on almost any paper surface just like the watercolours that I like to paint with today. I have always been intrigued on sumi-e technique as the artworks of its ancient masters are a paradigm of elegance, serene beauty and aesthetic pleasure for me.
In spite of its simple appearance, it is very difficult to achieve those results, specially for us Western people. Our philosophy -if any- and general approach to painting is quite different. We are used to disdain the importance of being conscious of the reason why we paint and what we paint for. This is a first obstacle to internalise not only our strokes but the entire composition and the search of significance of every single element in relationship with the whole.
The Chinese Brush Painting Course, tutored by Monika Cilmi is a practical guidance to practice several classical subjects of this art and to learn their basic principles, just like it were an open door to discover the minimalist universes of the small things and creatures to which an entire life should be devoted to paint in their beauty and essence. Thank you, Monika, for all your help and encouragement!”
For those interested in more artworks of my own, please visit my website: