What an amazing collection of hands! It was not an easy challenge and we are so proud of the students who completed the task and submitted work for us to post on our blog.
Sue McAulay’s study of a hand is very solid and three dimensional. The direction of shading is excellent. Sue has shaded within the contours of the hand and fingers to create the rounded feel to them. Also noting the light and shade helps to create the solidity and 3d feel. Well done Sue!
Pauline and Sheila have both taken up the challenge of drawing a hand and ‘painting’ on it to make it become something quite different! We love both pieces, absolutely wonderful and lots of imagination and creativity here!
Jane Burden has created three wonderful studies of hands in her sketchbook. Ultimately all students should keep a sketchbook and draw in it from life daily. This not only helps students to improve observational skills but also the handling of the pencil and refining line, shading, tonal ranges, light and shade etc. Superb drawings Jane, keep up the good work.
Another stunning drawing by Heidi Elizabeth. We not only have a hand drawing here, but Elizabeth is holding another very tricky subject to draw..an egg! The hand and egg have been drawn and shaded extremely well. The shadow on the wall behind along with the shading of the background helps to create a very three dimensional and solid drawing. Excellent light and shade too!
And finally one of our favourites is by Maria Win, her hands painted in watercolour. Utterly beautiful! Crisp, fresh washes, beautiful skin tones and a light filled painting. Well done Maria!
We hope that you have enjoyed viewing the paintings and drawings here. If you would like to take part in the next challenge, keep an eye out on our blog for our next post!