Welcome to our Weekend Challenge – Limited Pallet Paintings. The challenge is to create a painting – any subject and any medium – using either watercolour, acrylic, oil, pastel, coloured pencil, collage, mixed media, digital etc and use only three or four colours and variations of their mixes.
The paintings below are students previous examples of artwork to illustrate how this can be achieved. You can see in the dragon fly painting by Jane Harrington below, the main colours she had on her pallet were two different shades of Blue, a Sap Green and Crimson. She created a wet in wet wash using the blues, dropping in some green and crimson to create mixes of sea greens and purples. The crimson was then mixed with the two different types of blues to create the variations in colour on the dragonflies bodies. The who painting has been a very well thought out and planed with a very decorative feel along side.
We hope that you enjoy viewing the examples gathered here and they give you plenty of inspiration for your own limited pallet painting! Have fun and enjoy yourselves!