Welcome to this weeks – Weekend Art Challenge. We challenge you to turn off your TV and pick up your pencil and sketchbook, or your paintbrush and paper. You can even draw digitally on your ipad or tablet.
Your challenge this week is to draw or paint an insect on a flower. It can be using the photo above, your own photo, or from your imagination! Make it abstract or realistic. The choice is yours!
Post your artwork on our Facebook Group page and we will feature the best here on our blog soon!
Have fun!!!
All students can take part and they can post their artwork on our main Facebook Group to share with fellow students.
If you would like your work included in our weekly Thursday blog post Email it to Melanie on
Please only post new artwork that you have created specifically for the challenge.
The idea of these challenges is to help students improve their skills by drawing, painting and creating regularly. Most of all, have fun!!