London Art College student Pernilla Nehler completed our Portrait Painting and Drawing course with flying colours. We are thrilled to be able to add some of her work here on our blog to both wow and inspire our students.
One of our favourite pieces from Pernilla is the pencil study of a person holding and moving a Rubix cube. If students can notice the very subtle shading and foreshortening on the thumb – this is an absolutely beautiful area of very skilled drawing and shading. Also our eyes are drawn to the section of Rubix cube that is being turned. This has been very cleverly shaded and drawn to perfection allowing that section of the cube to be receding away very successfully into the persons hand. The perspective on this is wonderful.
We hope you enjoy viewing Pernilla’s artwork and if you would like to have a go at painting or drawing portraits, why not head on over to our website to see if this course might be suitable for you. Enrol at any time and complete it around your work and every day life! Work at your own pace with guided support – what could be better?! Portrait Painting and Drawing…