My name is Vinaya Mahesh Deyannavar, currently completing the Drawing and Painting Diploma Course with the London Art College. My passion towards art is from my childhood. I do pencil sketches and paintings with different media. I feel graphite pencils are more friendly as they leave grey or black marks that can be easily erased. And most important you will get in different ranges. In starting days of my pencil works, I used to work with only one grade of pencil that is H. I could not understand the importance of different pencil grades. But once I started using them, I came across the different tonal range they produce. While doing assignments in my course, I truly experimented very effectively. I still feel I am experimenting to know the importance of different grades because learning is never ending process. Below I have experimented with Derwent graphite pencils.
Derwent Graphic pencils are available in 20 grades. Softer Graphite Pencils are with range 9B to H, medium graphite pencils are with range 6B to 4H and hard graphite pencils with range B to 9H. They are very easy to hold and provide proper grip to fingers while working, because of their shape. While working you feel free and smooth flow of pencils with their sharp pointed tip. Hard grade pencils sharpen well with sharpeners while soft grade pencils with cutter blades.
The following image of Taj Mahal is done with Derwent Graphic Pencils with range 4H to 6B. With its intricately detailed exterior, the majestic Taj Mahal is one of the world’s most wonderful works of architecture. By referring the original photo I have tried here and explained a step by step drawing.
Using grade H, I have drawn a outline sketch as shown. It required very little pressure to achieve lighter tones, since outline sketches should be erased at later stage. While erasing I found very easily and cleanly.
Using grade F, I have added the details to the outline sketch. I loved using grade F, since it sharpens to very fine point. Under minimum pressure itself, it achieves little darker tone lines.
Using grade 2B, I have added details to one of the four minars (pillars) of Taj Mahal. Since the light hit is on left hand side, right hand side is shaded with darker tone 4B grade pencil. To get the darker shades, consistent and free flow of pencils is enough, no need of extra pressure to achieve it.
Using the same grade 2B, I have added details to dome of Taj Mahal. Using grade 3B, I have enhanced the architectural details like texture of the masonry, windows and doors.
I totally enjoyed producing the exterior view of wonderful architectural works of Taj Mahal. Derwent pencils really helped me by producing a full tonal range of marks. I feel these pencils are perfect for pencil lovers and artists to produce their effective sketches with complete satisfaction in artwork.
Once the Taj Mahal was completed, I experimented further with pebbles and water droplets using the full range of Derwent pencils. I hope you like it.
Vinaya Mahesh Deyannavar
Drawing and Painting Diploma Course