My name is Monika and I am a tutor for the London Art College distance learning courses. On the 26th of November I had a signing event at Waterstones in Ipswich for my first book. This book is a great achievement to me because I love origami and Japanese art in general and I have always wanted to write a book.
The most amazing thing though is that when they proposed me to write the book, I also found out I was pregnant! Two amazing surprises and the book is in fact dedicated to my son Dylan! The photos below were taken at the book signing event, the first two photos are of my son Dylan and I. It was a very busy day and as you can see from the photos, the children who visited Waterstones loved the origami.
As many of the readers on the college news blog will know, I am the Chinese Brush Painting tutor and my second book is inspired by Chinese brushwork. It will be out in March 2017. Im sure my students will be very interested in viewing it. I am now working on my third book about origami Jewellery. All of my books will be available on Amazon. If students have any problems finding them, just contact me at the college and I will be able to help.