Lynda Dearden is currently studying our popular Oil Painting Course and has produced the fantastic portrait below in oils on canvas.
The oil painting course is perfect for students who need a little guidance using oils on canvas or board and would like help in general with all aspects of oil painting. The course introduces students to a number of subjects including still life, landscape, portraits and the figure. Students explore different painting techniques including impasto, glazing, creating texture and not forgetting looking into colour theory.
Tutor Alan Dedman is a professional oil painter, exhibits his work regularly and undertakes commissions in a variety of subjects in oils on canvas. Using his experiences in the medium he helps and guides the students through the course helping them develop their skills and style of painting.
If you are interested in reading more about our online Oil Painting course, why not pop over to the colleges website to read about the syllabus. Students can start at any time and all of the study materials are online, so you can be painting and following the course right away.