Panya is one of our youngest students on the Graphic Design Art course. Her tutor Vanessa Weaver says ‘She has completed the course with a distinction as her passion for art and design is very evident.’ She has been battling with leukaemia whilst doing the course (currently treatment has left her cancer free) and her uncle maintains that doing the course has helped her to cope with the demanding cancer treatment that she has received.In recognition of everything that she has achieved Panya was nominated for an ABCC certificate of merit, which she now received.The ABCC awards Certificates of Merit to home study students who have captured the imagination of their course providers. Member Colleges may nominate any student they choose, but an appropriate candidate might be someone who has:
▪ retrained by distance learning to get back into employment
▪ achieved an outstanding exam or course result
▪ overcome personal difficulties to achieve his/her goal