We have a vacancy for a Distance Learning Course tutor for the cartooning Diploma course and to possibly also take over the Sc-fi Fantasy Certificate course. If you are interested please read the information below.
Our current time course tutor is retiring from the role after five years and we have a part time vacancy for a suitable person to take over. Our cartoon course tutor has usually also looked after students on our Science Fiction and Fantasy course and this remains an option now for the right candidate. This is a unique opportunity to work with students worldwide from the comfort of your own home or studio. The successful applicant will eventually be able to put their mark on the course/s and make them their own.
We need an experienced and successful cartoonist, ideally with established teaching skills. The job involves guiding and supporting students as they study our courses at home. Critiquing submissions of student work, often sent electronically and generally helping students to get the best from their studies. Tutors are freelance, arranging their work on a time table to suit themselves and are paid for each submission handled, on a piecework basis. The post requires a few hours per week in tutoring, which will start gradually as you take over the new enrollees. The tutor will be required to have some general computer skills. Tutors must be UK based. Most of our course tutors have been with the college for some years and we operate in a professional, but friendly way.
If you are interested in taking over the tutoring post for the Cartooning and Possibly the Sci-fi Fantasy course, in the first instance interested parties should look at the relevant pages on our web site: www.londonartcollege.co.uk and then contact us with the with the following…..
An Up To Date CV
A few high res examples of your artwork,
A brief background of your experiences / education /age range
Tutoring experiences,
Whether you have a full / part time job or work as an artist full / part time.
Please email this information entitling your email ‘Cartooning Course Tutor Vacancy’ to Principal Peter Fisher – admin@londonartcollege.co.uk